Course curriculum

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    Master Shepherd's Course (MSC) 2022 /23 Module 3 Lambing & Lamb Rearing

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    MSC Module 3 Resources

    • M3 S1 Feeding for colostrum quality lamb survival and milk production AO

    • OMAFRA Factsheets Pertinent to Module3 Lambing & Lamb Rearing

    • M3 S2 Artificial Rearing Systems Jillian Craig

    • M3 S2 tips for successful fostering Anita O'Brien

    • Treating Lambs for Hypothermia OMAFRA Poster

    • Treating Hypothermia Flowchart OMAFRA_2010 Final

    • M3 S3 Critical Control Points Lamb Survival Richard Ehrhardt

    • M3 S4 Management of pregnant ewes Emily zur Linden

    • M3 S4 Colostrum & Lamb Immune Development Marlene Paibomesai

    • M3 S6 Neonatal_Lamb_Death_and_Post_Mortems Heather Aitken

    • Lamb Postmortem Guide Alberta Sheep Producers

    • Lamb Postmortem worksheet ALP

    • Manual of lambing techniques Agnes Winter

    • Reducing Lamb Losses AHDB2020

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    M3 Presentation Recordings

    • VIDEO M3 S1 Feeding for Colostrum

    • VIDEO M3 S2 Artificial Rearing Systems & Tips for Successful Fostering

    • VIDEO M3 S3 Critical Control Points of Lamb Survival

    • VIDEO M3 S4 Health Management of Pregnant & Lactating Ewes / Colostrum & Immune Development in Lambs

    • VIDEO MSC2020 Module3 S5 Diseases affecting Neonatal Lambs Paula Menzies

    • VIDEO M3 S6 Learning from On-Farm Post Mortems and Neonatal Lamb Deaths

    • VIDEO M3 S7 Preparing for Pasture Lambing w Mike Swidersky

    • VIDEO M3 S8 Managing Coccidiosis in Lambs